Recall Healing with Acupuncture in Edmonton: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

In the vibrant city of Edmonton, a unique fusion of Recall Healing and acupuncture unfolds, offering individuals a profound journey towards holistic healing. This integration transcends conventional medical paradigms, embracing the profound interconnectedness of mind, body, and emotions. By synergizing the ancient wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine with the profound insights of Recall Healing, this approach endeavors to unravel the underlying causes of ailments and nurture overall well-being. If you re interested in booking a session, don t hesitate to visit .

Exploring the Concept of Recall Healing

At the heart of Recall Healing lies the recognition that unresolved emotional traumas and conflicts can manifest as physical maladies within the body. Through…

Cracked Foundation? Here’s What You Need to Know and Do

Discovering cracks in your home’s foundation can be unsettling, as the foundation is critical to the structural integrity of your entire house. However, not all cracks are cause for alarm, and understanding what they mean and how to address them can help you take the right steps to protect your home.

This article explores the different types of foundation cracks, their causes, and what you should do if you notice them in your home. By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of when to worry and when to act.

Types of Foundation Cracks and What They Mean

Foundation cracks vary in size, shape, and direction, each telling a different story about what’s happening beneath your home. Recognizing these differences is crucial in determining…

CHILE: Therapeutic Abortion – A Distant but Not Impossible Prospect

Daniela Estrada

SANTIAGO, Sep 22 2006 (IPS) – Activists fighting for the decriminalisation of therapeutic abortion in Chile have long faced a depressing scenario: zero political will, stiff opposition from the Catholic Church and limited public support. Today, though, they are encouraged by positive signals on contraception from the government of Michelle Bachelet.
On Sep. 28, which has been designated the Day for the Decriminalisation and Legalisation of Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean, about a hundred women belonging to several different women s organisations will march through the streets of Valparaíso, 120 kilometres west of Santiago.

The women will visit Congress, located in that port city, to deliver a petition with a long list of signatures, asking…

Q&A: Major Challenges Will Be Met

Stephanie Nieuwoudt interviews South African health minister BARBARA HOGAN

CAPE TOWN, Nov 12 2008 (IPS) – When Barbara Hogan replaced South African health minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang in September, her appointment was praised from all quarters. Hogan, who previously chaired Parliament s finance portfolio committee, is known as an intellectual who stands up for what she believes in and finding hands-on approaches to solving difficult political issues.
IPS: You have acknowledged HIV/Aids as one of the most pressing health problems on the continent. You also expressed concern about its nasty twin, tuberculosis (TB), an opportunistic infection to which HIV-positive persons are particularly vulnerable. How will you tackle this problem? Barbara Hogan: South Africa has always h…

HEALTH-NAMIBIA: Illegal Abortions Common Despite Risks

Patience Nyangove

WINDHOEK, Oct 7 2009 (IPS) – Ten years ago, a move to legalise abortion in Namibia failed. The number of unwanted pregnancies remains high, with many people unwilling or unable to use contraception. Despite the risks, illegal abortions remain common.
Misoprostol a drug used to control ulcers, more usually known by the brand name Cytotec has become a favoured method for inducing abortion.

The drug costs around $14 U.S. dollars per tablet from a pharmacist and is readily available on the streets of Windhoek. Medical doctors who conduct abortions illegally using the drug charge between 140 and 200 U.S. dollars.

Twenty-two year-old Monisha (not her real name), a student at University of Namibia, decided to have an abortion because her boyfriend i…

African Development Bank COVID-19 response: moving from commitment to action

Jun 15 2020 – The African Development Bank has responded swiftly to the needs of its member countries during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The Bank’s operations have continued to run smoothly since the first cases appeared in early March, despite the wide range of lockdowns and measures imposed by governments to flatten the curve.

The COVID-19 pandemic is forecast to cause Africa’s GDP to drop by between $22.1 billion and $88.3 billion.

African countries, with the experience of having fought off Ebola, are working to adapt to this new threat and looking to the Bank for an effective, multilateral response to the crisis.

As of June…

Myanmar Struggles in the Grip of Coup and Covid

People in Yangon queue for oxygen cylinders to treat COVID patients as a third wave of the pandemic sweeps through Myanmar. Credit: Sai T

ROME, Jul 20 2021 (IPS) – The third wave of Covid-19 is sweeping through Myanmar, from the high narrow buildings of the commercial capital Yangon to bamboo houses in rural areas.

Ma Ni, not her real name, caught the virus in Yangon, infected by her husband and son. But no members of the family show up in the official numbers because they preferred to buy a home test instead of going to a hospital or a quarantine centre.

“It’s been seven days with COVID now,” 34-year-old Ma Ni says. “My hus…